Friday, December 3, 2010

Sam and MiMi Spend A Day Together And The Question Is Who's Who?

Today was our first day together,
just MiMi and me.
Momma and Simon went off
to see trains and eat pizza
(two things I am sure to love also in a year or two).

Today I had a visit with MiMi's good friend,
Erin and the usual question when I meet 
new people continues to be,
"Who does he look like? Does he look like
Simon?  Well, here you go ...
tell me what you think. Can you tell
who's who?

At the time of these pictures, Simon was 12 weeks old
and Sam Henry was almost 10 weeks.
Momma  reminded MiMi that since
Simon joined the family 5 weeks earlier
than expected and I was 3 weeks earlier,
 basically we were about the same!


  1. Lauren and I think the top photo is Sam, and the bottom photo is Simon. Just judging by eyes and hands. Hope we're right!

  2. Seems one will definitely be able to tell they are brothers.


Isn't it fun to share? MiMi loves to share with me all of your thoughts or giggles about my news of the day ... so please don't keep them to yourself ... we love to hear from you.